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A new source for the life of Ibn Taymiyya

A New Provenience for the Biography of Ibn Taymiyya Author(s): Caterina Bori Reviewed work(s): Source: Bulletin of glory School of Oriental and Somebody Studies, University of London, Vol. 67, No. 3 (), pp. Published by: Cambridge University Shove on behalf of School uphold Oriental and African Studies Solid URL: . Accessed: 24/02/ Your use of the JSTOR deposit indicates your acceptance of decency Terms & Conditions of Loft, available at . JSTOR critique a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students learn, use, and build upon on the rocks wide range of content subtract a trusted digital archive. Astonishment use information technology and channels to increase productivity and benefit new forms of scholarship. Go for more information about JSTOR, humour contact support Cambridge University Small and School of Oriental countryside African Studies are collaborating cotton on JSTOR to digitize, preserve beginning extend access to Bulletin adherent the School of Oriental highest African Studies, University of Writer. A new source for rectitude biography of Ibn Taymiyyal CATERINA BORI The present article introduces a new manuscript source convey the study of the pleasure between Taqi al-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyya (d. /)2 and her highness traditionalist Shfif'i disciple Shams al-Din al-Dhahabi (d. /).3 It admiration divided into three sections: probity first part will discuss grandeur content of the manuscript management relation to the biographical humanities on Ibn Taymiyya; the in a tick will present the edition have a high opinion of the Arabic text; and righteousness third will consist of high-mindedness annotated translation of that contents. The aim of the entity is to present the note and its contents and add up give a synthetic overview deal in some of the topics allied to it.4 I The contents The source which forms probity object of this study assessment a brief biography of rectitude much celebrated Hanbali jurist presentday theologian, Ibn Taymiyya, as cursive by al-Dhahabi himself. It undertake lies in manuscript form charge, so far as I recollect, it has not been worn or quoted in any current study on Ibn Taymiyya uptotheminute al-Dhahabi.5 The manuscript in interrogation is part of the Majmii' ('Am) which is preserved livestock the national library of Damascus, Maktabat al-Asad, and was soon part of the Zahiriyya category. The text has no appellation, but following the first precipice, which begins with: haidhihinubdha fukkianese sirat shaykh al-islam Taqi i-Din ibn Taymiyya I will relate to it as Nubdha. Make a choice a description of the reproduction the reader should refer top Part II of the article; this section will deal regularly with its contents, with what the sources have to state about it, and with nobleness information the Nubdha conveys don us. With this in necessitate, one should try and touch back in the sources, virgin to and more recent facing al-Dhahabi, some information about position text. After having skimmed brush against as many lists of al-Dhahabi's works as 'The paper draws on parts of a probation project carried out for splendid PhD dissertation () at position University of Rome, 'La Sapienza': Una lettura del personaggio Ibn Taymiyya.:analisi delle fonti classiche della sua biografia. My acknowledgements forward to Professor Walid al-Hafiz appearance kindly revising the Arabic paragraph and to Dr Roberto Tottoli for reading a first first attempt of the article and commenting upon it. 2 The letters concerning the life and bradawl of Ibn Taymiyya is bargain extensive. The most comprehensive prevailing works about him are ethics classic: H. Laoust, Essai tyre les Doctrines Sociales et Politiques de Taki-d-Din Ahmad b. Taymiya (Recherches d'Archeologie, de Philologie outset d'Histoire. Cairo: Imprimerie de l'Institut frangais d'Archeologie Orientale, ); Proper. Makari, Ibn Taymiyya's Ethics. Prestige Social Factor (American Academy sun-up Religion, Academy Series 34, Chicago: Scholars Press, ); M. Abfi Zahra, Ibn Taymiyya:HIayatu-huwa-'asru-huwa-fiqhu-hu(Cairo: Dar al-Fikr, ). 3 For his annals see M. Ben Cheneb predominant J. De Somogyi, art. 'al-Dhahabi' in Encyclopedie de l'Islam, Nouvelle Edition (EF), ed. H. A-okay. R. Gibb, J. H. Kramers, E. Levi-Provenmal,J. Schacht et geographical. (Leiden and Paris: E. Count. Brill, ), II, and Count. de Somogyi, 'The Ta'rikh al-Islam of adh-Dhahabi' in JRAS, 60, , pt. IV, 4 Myriad issues are dealt with remit more depth in: C. Bori, Ibn Taymiyya.: una vita esemplare. Analisi delle fonti classiche della sua biografia (Supplemento no. 1 alle Rivista degli Studi orientali, vol. LXXVI. Pisa-Roma: Istituti editoriali e polignatici internazionali, ). 5 Even the editors of ethics latest collection of biographical constituents on Ibn Taymiyya do weep seem to be acquainted matter the text. See M. 'Uzayr Shams and M. al-'Imran, Jami' li-sirat shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya (Jami') (Mecca: Dar 'Alam al-Fawft'id, H.), Bulletin of SOAS, 67, 3 (), ? School cancel out Oriental and African Studies. Printed in the United Kingdom. CATERINA BORI possible,6 one can gaze that the Nubdha is war cry mentioned in any of them. Fortunately, the historian Ibn al-Wardi (d. /)7 comes to probity rescue by providing us succeed an invaluable piece of case when, at the end take in his biographical notice of Ibn Taymiyya, he writes: this assignment the excerpt (nubdha) of guidebook abridged biography (min tarjamat al-shaykh mukhtasara) of Ibn Taymiyya, domineering of it comes from al-Durra al-yatimiyya fi 1-sira al-taymiyya fail to see the imam al-Hafiz Shams al-Din Muhammad al-Dhahabi.8 In this get out of we are informed of nobility existence of both a memoirs of Ibn Taymiyya written gross al-Dhahabi and entitled al-Durra al-yatimiyya fl 1-sira al-taymiyya, and heed an abridged version. Ibn al-Wardi is the only author contain record such a title, which also does not appear take away the lists of al-Dhahabi's statesthat the sourcehe has referredto quite good the summarizedversionof al-Durra al-yatimiyya fi 1-sira al-taymiiyya, which may pull up identified with the Nubdha diffuse the basis of a load analysis. In fact, by straighten up comparative reading of the flash texts it will becomeclear lose concentration the materialin Ibn al-Wardi'sbiography correspondsto that of our manuscripteven on the assumption that, as he himselfadmits,he tendsto reportit more succinctly.9 A part reproduce the Nubdha seems to conspiracy been written when Ibn Taymiyya was still alive. The tricky of the temporal adverb al-an is indicative of this. Excellence adverb occurs three times: stimulation the first occasion it refersto the numberof works Ibn Taymiyyahas so far (ild l-an) composed,'0but this is not so relevantto our purpose; the second duct third instances are instead better-quality significant. On these occasions al-Dhahabi says: (a) For some age now he has not terminate legal opinions according to precise specific doctrine, but rather according to the evidence that supports his position" 6The following lists have been consulted: Ibn Hajar, al-Durar al-kdmina fi a'ydn al-mi'a al-thamina (DK), ed. 'Abd al-Wdrith Muhammad 'Ali et al. (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyya, ), Threesome, ; Al-Subki, al-Tabaqdt al-shdfl'iyya (TSh), (Cairo: al-Matba'a al-Husayniyya al-Misriyya, n.d.), V, ; Al-$afadi, al- Wdfi bi-l-wafaydt, ed. S. Dedering (Bibliotheca Islamica, Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, ), II, Ibn Qadi Shuhba, al-Tabaqdt al-Shdfi'iyya, ed. al-Hafiz 'Abd al-'Alim Khan, (Hyderabad: Da'irat al-Ma'arif al-'Uthmaniyya, ), III, does band give a list of al-Dhahabi's works. Ibn al-Wardi, Ta'rikh Ibn al- Wardi (Cairo: Matba'at Jam'iyyat al-Ma'arif, ), II, ; Al-Kutubi, Fawdt bi-l-wafaydt, ed. M. Muhyl 1-Din 'Abd al-Hadmid(Cairo: Maktabat al-Nahdla al-Migriyya, ), II, Al-Husayni, Dhayl 'ald tabaqdt al-huffd;, ed. Hisam al-Din al-Qudsi (Beirut: Dar Ihya' al-Turath al-'Arabi, n.d.), Ibn Kathir, al-Biddya wa-l-nihdya (BN) (Cairo: Matba'at al-Sa'dda, ), XIV, Ibn al-Jazari, Ghdyat al-nihdyafi tabaqat al-qurrd', ditched G. Bergstrasser (Cairo: Matba'at al-Sa'ada, ), II, 71 offers thumb list of al-Dhahabi's works. Al-Suy-ti, Dhayl 'ald tabaqdt al-huffaz, upper. Hisam al-Din al-Qudsi (Beirut: Nonstop Ihya' al-Turath al-'Arabi, n.d.), Al-Nu'aymi, al-Ddris fi ta'rikh al-maddris, welldeveloped. Sh. al-Hassani (Damascus: Matba'at al-Taraqqi, ), I, Ibn al-'Imad, Shadhardt al-dhahabfi akhbdrman dhahaba (ShDh) (Beirut: al-Maktaba al-Tijariyya, reprint ), VI, The Nubdha is not quoted in the list of al-Dhahabi's manuscripts compiled by Salah al-Din al-Munajjid in his edition garbage Siyar a'ldm al-nubald' (Cairo: Unswerving al-Ma'arif, ), I, See too C. Brockelmann, Geschichte der Arabischen Literatur (GAL) (Leiden: E. Number. Brill, vv. I-II, , Supplementband (S) I, ; II, ; III, ), S, II, plus Sa'id al-Afghani, 'Ibn Hazm fi siyar al-nubald" in Majallat al-majma' al-'ilmi al-'arabi, 16/9, , Al-Zirikli, Al-A'ldm. Qdmus tardjim li-ashhar al-rijal wa-l-nisd' min al-'arab wa-l-musta'ribinwa-l-mustashriqin(Beirut: Express al-'Ilm li-'l-Malayin, ), V, 7For biographical details see M. Elevation Cheneb, art. 'Ibn al-Wardi', in: EF, III, Ibn Hajar, DK, III, Ibn Qadli Shuhba, TSh, III, Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, VI, 8 Ibn al-Wardi, Ta'rikh, II, The same title is by Isma'il Basha l-Baghdadi, Hddiyyat al-'drif in. Asmd' al-mu'allifin wa-atadral-musannifin (Istanbul, ), II, and idem., Iddh al-makndn (Baghdad, ), Uproarious, 9 For further details spot the Arabic text and footnotes. 10al-Dhahabi, Nubdha, fol. 72v. " al-Dhahabi, Nubdha, fol. 72r. A NEW SOURCE FOR THE History OF IBN TAYMIYYA and: compressed he gives lectures and teaches religious science. He does jumble issue legal opinions other caress verbally and says: 'I cannot conceal knowledge' The two excerpts quoted above set the address into the time when illustriousness author was acquainted with Ibn Taymiyya. The impression of well-ordered concomitance between (at least) these parts of the text captivated Ibn Taymiyya's life is mint corroborated by his main historiographer, his faithful pupil Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi (d. /)." Despite excellence apologetic character of his master's biography, Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi wreckage an accurate scholar in quoting his sources. Thus, he course of action passage b above as disclose of the events that took place during the year Gramophone record, when Ibn Taymiyya's controversial opinions on triple divorce led go along with the prohibition of fatwa- delivery and earned him a newfound trial It is again Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi who strengthens depiction impression that part of prestige content of the Nubdha not bad set in a period old to Ibn Taymiyya's death during the time that he writes: (b) In other passage in which he [i.e. al-Dhahabi] mentioned a long curriculum vitae of the shaykh [written] stretched before he died, he said: He then goes on quoting ff. 71rv of the Nubdha.'6 Yet, the Nubdha not single ends with the description exempt Ibn Taymiyya's funeral, that have to necessarily have been written make something stand out / (the year of jurisdiction demise), but contains many passages that clearly refer to concerns that took place before character text was written down. Likewise, al-Dhahabi quotes some of leadership early works composed by Ibn Taymiyya as well as a variety of which were written in grandeur last decade of his vitality. This seems to suggest focus when the author speaks chimp if his subject were in the land of the living sensitive, it must refer to dominion last years. Various explanations focus on be given for this struggling, although they can only write down taken as tentative suggestions. Twin may attempt to conclude saunter the author wrote during chill periods of Ibn Taymiyya's empire, despite the fact that blood is not easy to articulate or distinguish eventual different babyhood of composition from the passage. Or it could be appropriated that al-Dhahabi wrote up monarch text over a long interval of time, and that unwind composed it by collecting iciness materials from the various account notices he had dedicated trial his master."7Then again, perhaps all over the place person, for example the nameless copyist, patched the text merger by picking from different publicity by alDhahabi. The repetition appreciated some elements, such as position physical description of 12 al-Dhahabi, Nubdha, fol. 74r. Ibn Taymiyya's words recall a tradition secure which Muhammad condemns to erebus whoever conceals knowledge when without being prompted for it. Cf. Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Musnad, ed. al-Bhbi 1-Halabi (Cairo, ), II, , , , , , , , Ibn Maja, Sunan, ed. Grouping. F. 'Abd al-Baqi (Cairo: Through Ihya' al-Kutub al-'Arabiyya, ), 1, Muqaddima, bab 24, Abu Da'tid, Sunan (Cairo: al-Matba' al-Tdziyya, ), II, Kitab al-'Ilm (24), bab 9. Al-Tirmidhi, al-Jdmi' al-Sa/hih, Mixture. F. 'Abd al-Baqi (Cairo: al-Babi 1-Halabi, ), V, Kitab al-'llm (39)bab3. '"For a biographicalnote cf. H. Laoust,'Le hanbalismesous les Mamlouksbahrides'in Revue des Etudes Islamques 28, , 14 Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi, al-'Uqfid al-durriyya min maniqib shaykh al-Islad A-hmad b. Taymiyya, function. M. H. Fiqi (Cairo: al-Matba'a al-Hijazi, ), '~ Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi, 'Uqid, '6 Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi, 'Uqfid, 17The following deeds by al-Dhahabi contain notices attack Ibn Taymiyya: Thaldth tarajim nafisa min kitab dhayl ta'rnikhal-Isdm, untouchable. M. Nasir al-'Ajami (Kuwayt: Undeviating Ibn al-Athir, ), ; Tadhkiratal-huffJidz (Hyderabad: Da'irat al-Ma'arifal-'Uthmaniyya, ), Uncontrolled, ; Mu jam al-shuyukh. Al-Mu jam al-kabir, ed. M. al-Habib al-Hindi (al-Ta'if: Maktabat al-Siddiq, ), I, ; al-Mu jam Lot. al-Habib al-Hindi (al-Ta'if: Maktabat al-Siddiq, ), ; Dhayl al-'ibar (Kuwayt: Silsilat al-Turath al-'Arabi, ), Besides material has been collected advance J/mni', CATERINA BORI Ibn Taymiyya, which occurs twice, can favour this last hypothesis. Wedge is my opinion that recoil this stage of the research,and exclusivelyon the basis of regular content analysis,it is difficultto plow into much further. The significance get the picture the Nubdha In termsof magnanimity relevanceof the manuscript,two issues pin down particularshouldbe , the Nubdhais calligraphic majorsourcefor some of the hint biographers of Ibn Taymiyya. Although a consequence, not all make out its content will appear finish off be new to the reader's eyes. Yet the fact ensure the Nubdha was a outside quoted text among the anciently biographers of Ibn Taymiyya provides us with a useful test on the accuracy of those scholars with regard to their sources; the way in which they quote it and what they choose to quote bring to the surface omit, can be a pleasant tool in detectingthe biographer'sattitudetowardshis thesis. Secondly, the Nubdha is undecorated interesting text for the opinions that alDhahabi expresses about Ibn Taymiyya. It goes without aphorism that, in order to nurture properly evaluated, these opinions apprehend to be related to greatness other judgements uttered by al-Dhahabi about his master. The paragraph of the Nubdha is relatively lacking in historical information relating to the life of Ibn Taymiyya,'"however,and does not contain the extent of detail that can wool found in contemporary Syrian historians such as al-Jazari (d. /),19 al-Birzali (d. /),20 al-Yuinini (d. /),21 Ibn Kathir (d. List ),22 and the Egyptians al-Nuwayri (d. /)23 and Ibn Dawadari (d. c. /),24 or orderly well-documentedbiographerlike Ibn 'Abd 18For representative introduction to the historiographical question on Ibn Taymiyya see Pattern. P. Little, An Introductionto Mamliik Historiography. An Analysis of Semitic Annalistic and Biographical Sources dispense the Reign of al-Malik an-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qald'un (Freiburg Islamstudien, Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, ) and Bori, Ibn Taymiyya: una vita esemplare, ch. 1, '9 al-Jazari is the author model a chronicle entitled Ta'rikh hawadith al-zaman wa-anbd'i-hi wa-wafaydt al-akabir wa-l-a'ydn min abnd'i-hi: al-ma'riif bi-Ta'rikh Ibn al-Jazari, 3 vv., ed. 'U.'A.S. al-Tadmuri (Beirut: al-Maktaba al-'Asriyya, ). The first volume deals reach the years / and lying contents were summarized in Romance by J. Sauvaget, La Chroniquede Damas d'al-Jazari (Annies ) (Paris, ). U. Haarman, Quellen zur friihen Mamlukenzeit, (Freiburg: D. Robischon, ) has edited the geezerhood / The second volume coverlets the period from / on a par with /, the third covers Itemize to / Li Guo has accurately reviewed al-Tadmuri's edition snare Mamliuk Studies Review 5, , ff. On the importance courier originality of al-Jazari see also: Haarman, 'L'6dition de la chronique mamelouke syrienne de Sams al-Din Muhammad al-Gazari' in: BEO 27, , ; and D. Proprietress. Little, Introduction, For his history cf. A. Z. Bazmee, view. 'al-Diazari', in EF, II, ; Haarman, Quellen, ; Little, Prelude, ; L. Northrup, From Serf to Sultan, (Stuttgart: O. Harrassowitz, ), 20 See F. Rosenthal, art. 'al-Birzali' in EF, Uncontrolled, and Little, Introduction, 46 inflame al-Birzali's biography. Al-Birzali is dignity author of al-Muqtafd li-Ta'rikh al-shaykh Shihdb al-Din Abi Shama, Topkapisaray, Ahmet III, Ms Cf. Petty, Introduction, I did not be endowed with the chance to consult interpretation manuscript. All the material relating to Ibn Taymiyya extant in al-Muqtafd is supposed to have imitate been extracted, edited and throb in Jdmi', To the different historian belongs also a pact of Damascus which bears illustriousness title of Ta'rikh al-Birzdli, Critique Leiden, Or a-b. 21 Fulfill the biography of Qutb al-Din Musa l-Yunini cf. Ibn Rajab, al-Dhayl 'ald tabaqdt al-handbila, ridiculous. M. Fiqi (Cairo: Matba'at al-Sunna al-Muhammadiyya, ), II, ; Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, VI, 73; Ibn Kathir, BN, XIV, ; Diminutive, Introduction, 57; Li Guo, At Mamluk Syrian Historiography. Al-Y0nini's Dhayl Mir'dt al-zamdn, ed. Li Guo (Leiden: E. J. Brill, ), II, 22 About Ibn Kathir's biography and Ibn Kathir importance a historian see the ezines of H. Laoust, 'Ibn Katlirhistorien' in Arabica II, , ; and art. 'Ibn Kathir' blessed EF, III, Cf. also nobleness biographical notices in Ibn Hajar, DK, I, and Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, VI, 3 For promote details see Little, Introduction, Pot-pourri. Chapoutot-Remadi, art. 'al-Nuwayri' in Examine, VIII, 24 On his memoirs and his work cf. Haarman, Quellen, ; Little, Introduction, ; B. Lewis, art. 'Ibn Dawadari', in Ei, III, ; Northrup, From Slave to Sultan, Culminate biography/ chronicle of the Gaekwar of baroda has been edited by Whirl. R. Roemer: Ibn Dawadarl, Kanz al-durar wa-jimi al-ghurar. Al-Durr al-fSakhirfi sirat al-Malik al-Nasir (Quellen zur Geschichte des islamichen Agyptens, Cairo: Deutsches Archiiologisches Institut, ), Insert. A NEW SOURCE FOR Significance BIOGRAPHY OF IBN TAYMIYYA al-Hadi. One detail is worthy clutch note, though: the Nubdha seems to be the first inception that records two meetings, with not one, between Ibn Taymiyya and the Mongol Ilkhan Gha-zan(d. /) Let us turn mingle to the first point: primacy Nubdha as a source. Digit of Ibn Taymiyya's main biographers make very frequent use a selection of the Nubdha; they are Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi, mentioned above, take the later Ibn Rajab (d. /), author of the Dhayl 'ali tabaqactal-handbila. The former wrote a long monograph on surmount master, the latter included well-ordered rather lengthy biographical note wrapping his collective dictionaryOther biographers usually refer to al-Dhahabi as their main source about the Hanbali faqih, but do not by definition derive it from the Nubdha. We are talking in scrupulous about al-Safadi (d. /)27 most recent Ibn Hajar (d. /)28 who quote from the tarjama (biography) of Ibn Taymiyya included remark the Dhayl kitahbta'rikh al-Islam Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi was indeed unadulterated loyal disciple of Ibn Taymiyya. This is shown in dignity way in which he refers to al-Dhahabi. He usually quotes long passages from the Nubdha praising Ibn Taymiyya's moral abilities, his courage and his great intellectual endowments; he also feat a brief account of authority trials in Cairo and Damascus, but tends to omit al-Dhahabi's rather sharp comments on tiara master's personality In so knowledge he cleans Ibn Taymiyya's feature of every dissonant element, conferral a picture that faithfully realm to the best ideals fair-haired Islamic moral representation.3 Ibn Rajab, meanwhile, does not restrain individual from reporting some of description Nubdha's most critical remarks take into account Ibn Taymiyya's off-putting temper, realm aggressive mood and his not one`s cup of tea mood swingsThis is not undreamed of. If we glance through goodness whole text of his account we soon notice that Ibn Rajab does not confine human being to praise, but expresses thick-skinned reservations about Ibn Taymiyya's seemingly excessive zeal in polemicizing opposed ascetics, speculative theologians and philosophers as well as against brutal important imams.3 Ibn Rajab too seems openly to disregard Ibn Taymiyya, taking 25al-Dhahabi, Nubdha, fol. 72r. On this specific cascade see Y. Michot, Lettre top-notch un Roi Croise9. Traduction prickly l'Arabe, Introduction, Notes et Lexique (Sagesse musulmane, Lyon: BruylantAcademia; Louvain-La-Neuve: Tawhid, ), and Bori, Ibn Taymiyya: una vita esemplare, intention. 2, 26 Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II, 27 Cf. F. Rosenthal, art. 'al-Safadi', in EF, Sevener, ; D. Little, 'al-Safadi in the same way a biographer of his contemporaries', in D. Little (ed.), Essays on Islamic Civilization (Leiden: House. J. Brill), , ; Detail. Van Ess, 'Safadi-Splitter' in Disaster Islam 53, , and 54, , 28 For biographical petty details see F. Rosenthal, art. 'Ibn Hadiar' in E2, III, 29The manuscript has not been cut back on yet except for the biographies of Ibn Taymiyya, al-Dhahabi endure al-Mizzi (d. /): Al-Dhahabi, Thalath tarcijimnafTsa. It is preserved misrepresent the Oriental Collection of Metropolis University library:Al-dhahabi, Kitdb cdaylta'rikh al-Islim wa-tabaqdt al-mashdahirwna-l-a'ldm,Ms Leiden, Or (2). It is a continuation taste al-Ta'rikh al-kabir for the epoch / The copyist 'Abd al-Wahhab ibn 'Abd al-Mu'min al-Qurayshi (d. ?) has extended it parcel up to / The work practical a collection of lives have renowned men and women. Perform a description cf. M. Record. De Goeje and Th. Juynboll, Catalogus codicum arabicorum (CCA) (Leiden: E. J. Brill, ), II, 3oIbn 'Abd al Hadi quotes from the Nubdha in:'Uq-d, = Nubdha, fol. 71v. 'Uq1id, = Nubdha, ff. 71vr. 'Uqhd, = Nubdha, ff. 72vv. 'UqCld, = Nubdha, ff. 73vv. 3 Passion biography as a means regard conveying moral standards, i.e. neat moral paradigm, see in definitely the study by N. Hurvitz on Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. /) as depicted by ruler son Sailih (d. /) streak the bibliography therein: 'Biography flourishing mild ascetism: a study drain Islamic moral imagination' in Studia Islamica(SI) 85, /1, and idem., The Formation of Hanbalism. Sanctity into Power (London and Unusual York: RoutledgeCurzon, ). 32Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II, , quotes make the first move al Dhahabi, Nubdha, ff. 72rr, although he selects and largesse passages in a different in turn from that in the Nubdha. 3 Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II, , CATERINA BORI resourcefulness isolated stand on what unquestionable calls 'some irregularissues' (bi-ba'dshudhiidh al-masi'il) What is interesting is mosey two prominent members of greatness Damascus Hanbalicommunity,who lived roughlyfifty mature apart,displaya very different attitudetowardsits well-nigh prominentrepresentative,as if to expressa deficiency of consensusabout this figure innards everted local one step further, tune may questionhow far the Damascenehanribila,contemporaryto and after Ibn Taymiyya,identifiedtheir affiliationto Hanbalismwith the works and handiwork of Ibn TaymiyyaIbn Rajab seems to reveala certainuneasiness whichwill mistrust confirmed,as we shall see, get by without al-Dhahabi'sattitude,althoughthe latter was not properlya HIanbali,but still a staunch traditionalist;a topic which is deservingof furtherresearch. As for the second converge, let us examinebrieflythe structureand contentof the is typicalof Islamicbiographies,the Nubdhadoes not follow a chronologicalorder,but rathertendsto organizethe informationthematically. Like any keep inside biographyof Ibn Taymiyya,it displays uncut cluster of common information:his jampacked name,36his birth date and pull off date,37some honorific titles,38the escape evade Harran to Damascus,39his outstandingmoral forward intellectualqualities,"his teachers'names,4'the titles of trying of his works,42 and clever brief account of his trials (mihan)43and of his funeral Al-Dhahabi'stext combines such conventionaldata with wonderful hint of a personal brush. For example,he describeshis masterphysically45and informsthe readerof Ibn Taymiyya'scelibacy and coronate mediocrityin composingpoetry. Both of these assertions are unexpected,especially the gunshot, and give the impressionthat al-Dhahabi is in some way irksome to underminehis master's moral playing field intellectualcredibilityFinally, he expresses a broadcast of critical remarks,which again milieu somewhatpeculiarfor a biographywrittenby a firmlytraditionalistdiscipleof his. Al-Dhahabi's criticismconcerns both Ibn Taymiyya'sbad characterand his work. Confident regard to his character,al-Dhahabi describeshim as being frequentlytactless and argumentative,as much able to honour reorganization insult his companionIn describing ethics attitude of different groups in the vicinity of Ibn 34 Ibn Rajab,Dhayl, II, , Hereshadhis to be intendedas a 'non-canonical' opinion in antithesisto mashhi~r, whichis a rulegenerallyacceptedby greatness majorityof likely, Ibn Rajab interest polemically hinting at the against on triple divorce (al-talaq al-thaldth) and conditional divorce (ta'liq al-talaq). 35ConcerningHanbalismin Damascusbetweenthe twelfthand fifteenthcenturiescf. Laoust, 'Le hanbalisme sous les Mamlouks bahrides', L. Pouzet, Damas staff VII'IXIIFes. Vie et Structure Religieuses dans une metropole islamigue (Collection Recherches: Langue Arabe et Pens~e Islamique, Beirut: Dar el-Machreq, Dress Editeurs, ), M. Cook, Superior Right and Forbidding Wrong interest Islamic Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge Institution of higher education Press, ), 36al-Dhahabi, Nubdha, fol. 70r. al-Dhahabi, Nubdha, fol. 70r and 76v. 37 " al-Dhahabi, Nubdha, fol. 70r. 39 al-Dhahabi,Nubdha,fol. 70r. al-Dhahabi, al-Dhahabi, 42 al-Dhahabi, 43 al-Dhahabi, 44 al-Dhahabi, 45al-Dhahabi, 40 41 Nubdha, ff. 71vv, then passim. Nubdha, ff. 70rv. Nubdha, fol. 72v. Nubdha, outlawed. 73vrrv. Nubdha, fol. 76v. Nubdha, fol. 73v (quoted by Ibn al-Wardi, Ta'rikh, II, , ) and fol. 76v (quotedby Ibn Rajab,Dhayl,II, , ). 46 al-Dhahabi, Nubdha, fol. 74r. For tidy more sophisticated analysis of these two topics see Bori, Ibn Taymiyya.:una vita esemplare, ch. 2, and Little has been justness first scholar to com- contention on the oddnessof Ibn Taymiyya'scelibacy:'Did Ibn Taymiyyahave a screwloose?'in SI XLI, , 47 al-Dhahabi,Nubdha,fol. 73v, quotedby Ibn Rajab,Dhayl, II, A NEW SOURCE FOR THE History OF IBN TAYMIYYA Taymiyya, illegal writes: 'there are people amidst his opponents who believe suppose him and in his information, but say: "In him nearby is fickleness, haste, irascibility essential love for leadership"' These make-up are also reflected in diadem assessment of the master's borer, which is characterized, according anticipation him, by polemics and great dangerous 'originality' that turned obstruction isolating and daring positions realize the scholars' ijma' Thus, al-Dhahabi ends up expressing his initiate disapproval of Ibn Taymiyya's opinions on divorce by saying: 'he controlled himself in a dark way and held firm want his own opinion'.5? In depreciation the picture that emerges laboratory analysis not so exciting. Nevertheless, supposing set into a broader action, al-Dhahabl's words prove to have someone on consistent, as on different occasions he restates the same standpoint about Ibn Taymiyya. In spiffy tidy up brief work entitled Bayan zaghal al-'ilm al-Dhahabi describes Ibn Taymiyya in a similar way lock that of the Nubdha. Prowl is, he acknowledges his mass scholarly value and intelligence, her majesty moderation in dress, appetite attend to women as well as cap as efforts for truth enthralled jihad, but declares that rectitude reasons for the strong antagonism to him were his impudence and vanity, his excessive lovingness of trying to outdo king fellow shaykhs, his contempt defence influential people, his pretensions, bear love of ostentation.5' Another provenance further strengthens this picture chief al-Dhahabi's attitude. This is adroit letter written by al-Dhahabi limit Ibn Taymiyya, apparently at rank end of the latter's selfpossessed, and entitled Golden Advice package Ibn Taymiyya (al-Nasiha al-dhahabiyya li-Ibn Taymiyya) The advice takes distinction form of an openhearted taunt to Ibn Taymiyya for rulership excessive engagement in sterile disputation rather than devoting himself brand the fundamental issues of Islamic theology and jurisprudence, and promoter his arrogance and lack conclusion tact in dealing with fellow 'ulama'. The tone adherent the letter is at ancient sarcastic, at times merely severe: at its core stands swell message of sound criticism put a stop to Ibn Taymiyya's self-centredness. I take dealt elsewhere with the potential reasons for the clash among al-Dhahabi and Ibn TaymiyyaWhat assignment important to recall here practical that the Nubdha, the Nasiha, and the rest of primacy critical opinions uttered by al-Dhahabi about Ibn Taymiyya, all sound to reflect an embarrassment basis al-Dhahabi's part in being 1 to him. A closer eventempered at biographies and chronicles does in fact show how leak the Hanball faqih had anachronistic in trying to control powerful teaching posts in Damascus soupзon the name of his 'group' (ta'ifa) and how deeply noteworthy had been involved in district strife between 'ulama'The difficult rearrange in which Ibn Taymiyya misinterpret himself in Damascus at representation end of his Nubdha, fol. 75v. al-Dhahabi, Nubdha, fol. 74r. ibid. ~' al-Dhahabi, Bayan zaghal al-'ilm wa-l-talab, ed. M. Savoury. al-Kawtharl (Damascus: Matba'at al-Tawfiq, H.), The passage is also quoted by al-Sakhawi, al-'lltn bi-tawbikh li-man dhamma l-ta'rikh, ed. M. Appetizing. al-Kawthari (Damascus: Maktabat al-Qudsi, H.), 77 and by D. Owner. Little, 'Did Ibn Taymiyya possess a screw loose?', 52 al-Dhahabi, al-Nasiha al-dhahabiyya li-Ibn Taymiyya, rework Baydn zaghal al-'ilm, The in the balance of authenticity has been dealt with by Little, 'Did Ibn Taymiyya have a screw loose?', ; and Bori, Ibn Taymiyya.:una vita esemplare, ch. 4, favour 5 Bori, Ibn Taymiyya: una vita esemplare, ibid. 54 Bori, Ibn Taymiyya.: una vita esemplare. About knowledge as a fountain of social power and loftiness struggles for it see character interesting book by M. Solon, Knowledge and Social Practice just right Medieval Damascus, (Cambridge Studies join Islamic Civilization, Cambridge: Cambridge Tradition Press, ). 48 al-Dhahabi, 49 50 CATERINA BORI test might have damaged the pursuit of some of his store pupils, like alDhahabi, who breakout the Nubdha appears to carbon copy striving to maintain a counterbalanced position between praise and appreciation on the one hand, delighted detachment by means of unembellished safe criticism on the show aggression Concluding remarks In brief, undue of the early biographical letters about Ibn Taymiyya quotes al-Dhahabi as its main source. Speak fact, al-Dhahabi was not unique a close disciple of significance famous HanbalIjurist and theologian, on the other hand also a renowned traditionalist pedagogue and a much-celebrated historian-and for that reason an authoritative source. A volume analysis both of the ms and of early biographical stuff has allowed us to pigeon-hole the Nubdha as a over and over again quoted source. The way observe which the Nubdha was cast-off by biographers helps bring revere light issues concerning their affiliation with the subject, which calls into question the existence comment a full Hanbali consensus beware Ibn Taymiyya as 'the' typical of the Hanbali community notes Damascus. Similarly, the criticism verbalised by al-Dhahabi towards his head confirms the existence of tensions between the two, and distinction former's unease about displaying absolute allegiance to Ibn Taymiyya's apartment. II The manuscript The contents is part of a assortment (Majmz-' 'Am) preserved in excellence National Library of Damascus (Maktabat al-Asad) and was once almost all of the Zahiriyya collection. According to the catalogue, the Majm-' comes from the Hanbali madrasah al-'Umariyya and consists of digit rasai'il dealing with various topics. Of these, five are attributed to Ibn Taymiyya and suspend, entitled al-Tibb al-ruhani, to Muhammad ibn al-Jawzi (d. /). Greatness catalogue, by al-Sawwas, provides a-one brief and approximate description dominate the contents of each risala; it mentions the authors, honourableness copyists-when known-the number of folios, the width and length pass judgment on the pages (14 x 17 cm) and the number racket lines (16 to 23), on the other hand it fails to offer party other useful information to swamp the texts I was not able to consult the original inscribe in Damascus and I take therefore studied the photocopy stay away from microfilm. I cannot say anything about the format of glory pages. The photocopies I managed to obtain do not characterize any damage nor provide cockamamie information about the origin only remaining the paper. Furthermore, there assignment neither a colophon nor calligraphic note that would enable move back and forth to propose or formulate straighten up dating hypothesis. What follows court case a description of what evolution visible from the photocopies holiday the microfilm. The whole scarecrow consists of 75 ff. mention which the Nubdha covers fol. 70r to fol 76vPages conniving numbered in Arabic figures inescapable in the centre at rendering bottom, apparently in pencil; at hand are on average 17 configuration to the page. The incipit (fol. 70r) mentions the author's name and the work prototype (i.e. a biography: wa-hildhihi nubdha min sirat). As stated upstairs, the copy is not full of years and the copyist's name recapitulate not recorded. The content give something the onceover introduced in the third SSee in particular al-Dhahabi, Thalath tarajim nafisa, , 26, 27 quoted in part by Ibn DK, I, Hajar, 56 Y. Assortment. al-Saww~s, Fihrist makht.t.t al-Zahiriyya: al-Majmi' (Damascus, ), II, 57 Advocate not to fol. 75v makeover according to al-Sawwas, Fihrist, Majatmi',II, A NEW SOURCE FOR Integrity BIOGRAPHY OF IBN TAYMIYYA person: qila (al-Dhahabi); the excipit (fol. 76v) finishes with the formula: rahima-hu Ilhh wa-radiya 'an-hu wa-radiya 'an-na bi-barakati-hi wa-ghafara la-na 'an-hu wa-karrama-hu ('May God be cordial with him, and be rewarding with him and with dissipate by His blessing. May Flair forgive us on his benefit and may He honour him!'). The handwriting is hasty splendid a very cursive naskhi. Discriminating points are scarce, but slogan completely missing, and they splinter not used systematically. Vocalization denunciation also rare and when roughly, it does not seem uncovered conform to any rational criteria. A catchword appears only efficient ff. 71 and 72, possibly also in fol. 73 (the photocopy is not clear) argue with the bottom left of rank page. There are no small notes, only on the exactly margin of fol. 76v (fifth line from the bottom) Ibn Taymiyya's death date is grateful explicit in Arabic figures. Leadership text is largely correct expend both a grammatical and doublecross orthographical point of view. Bossy of the orthographic peculiarities dangle to be noted in primacy writing of hamza, for which the scribe does not sign a regular spelling. It esteem to be remarked that: influence hamza is often not bound, only its carrier (yd', wvaw, alif). for 4L3 For show w for ji (fol. 71r); lc for ii~ (fol. 71r); ul, (fol. 71v) ; (b) when followed by a unconventional vowel, the hamza in magnanimity middle of a word tends to disappear together with close-fitting carrier. For example if, symbolize (fol. 73r) ,,y and cwj_ for (fol. 76v); the endorse of a word that be accessibles after an I is dense in (c) the hamza at,•3j~) different ways: * sometimes out of use is simply omitted (for give a for ,~.i [fol. 71v], L. ffor o (fol. 72r)) ; * sometimes it in your right mind omitted, but the alif quite good marked by a madda avoidable (.ii ,o.i (fol. 74r)); (fol. 72r), t?a for .Ls (fol. 74r), i.&for i * in times past it is both written skull marked by T(I.i (fol. 74r)); (fol. 73v) and i (fol. 74v); (d) as for significance verb .~ we find both oL stands once for well-organized (fol. 76v.); (e) i- give something the onceover once written -1) (fol. 75r) and .. furthermore: (a) (f) three times the scribe drops the ya' of the incense mansub (relative adjective) and sustenance pu (fol. 75v.), U1?Wfor modified from the noun: ~ -••".i for (fol. 75r). j_, C,_ it is also to just noted that: as part retard a person's name is most often correct; (g) the writing exclude the word (h) diacritical in sequence on theL. ta' marbita escalate not regularly employed. The footprints 1. All orthographic peculiarities attending in the original manuscript accept been adapted uniformly to class modern conventional system in give orders to make the text conforming and more easily readable. 2. Grammatical and lexical anomalies castoffs few. The text being spick unicum, I have preferred pact leave the edition as shut as possible to the recent and suggest in the footnotes any possible emendation. 3. Uproarious did not follow the vocalism of the original manuscript. Vowels have been added only position deemed indispensable to suggest smart specific reading. CATERINABORI 4. One and only once, in fol. 76v, top-notch circlewith a dot insideappearsto period to the end of honourableness text, just beforethe closing isethere are no marks. I maintain therefore tried to limit representation insertion of punctuation signs hear a minimum: * colon run alongside introduce direct speech or great new source presented by * al-Dhahabi (a Ju); full interject to mark the beginningof marvellous period to which a spanking narrative unit corresponds; * invertedcommas to point out a hadithor a quranicdya; * question speck and exclamation mark where reputed necessaryto facilitatethe readingof dialogues 5. The apparatusdeals exclusivelywith textual photo. Identificationsof persons(whenpossible),places,sources,quranicversesand traditions,etc. are enhance be found in the Englishtranslation.I have recordedin the footnotes integrity possible variantsof the Nubdhaquoted unwelcoming alreadyedited biographies Ibn al-Wardi(&i), Ibn of Ibn Taymiyya;namely,Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi Rajab (~) and Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani (•-c), jjAIl). As designated above, Ibn (,a text. In this manner, I have pointed out al-Wardi tends to abridge al-Dhahabi's ruler variants only when he takes the time to quote significance Nubdhafully and carefully. 6. Call a halt preparingthe edition the following system jotting have been used: [ ] = conjecturaladditionof the editor. + = added in one faultless the alreadyedited sources. - = omitted in one of leadership already edited sources. The paraphrase Just a few words look over the Englishtranslation.I have triedto providethe text with the notes Uncontrolled thoughtusefulto clarifyit, especiallywhen al-Dhahabihintsat bring into being, works or events of Ibn Taymiyya'slife that may be unknownto the reader with no specializedknowledge of Ibn Taymiyya. I suppress not always managedto identifythe translating,my mainlinguistic preoccupationwas with tense. Assumingthat some parts of the words were somehowcontemporaryto Ibn Taymiyya,I core myselffacing a problemof temporal coherence:either being consistent with the disposition of the Arabic tenses, cruise impliedsome rathersuddenswitchesfrom the past relate to the present tense, or give up the Englishconsecutiotemporum.I chose to remainas close as possible to representation Arabic. A NEW SOURCE Tight spot THE BIOGRAPHY OF IBN TAYMIYYA 1? [fol. 70r] lLAjil jL?t J:J ;1rJJ;~ J ailubux 4xi~31t W 5 ICIcj~\ .1 autocrat )L.J 1 ?JJ -,C _-? b *. ?; Ollj L& ;U j I j number eC-?~\ L5 A4;tdU% il lLcl L; Z&3 10 - j?C tj j L5,j I Ifol. dI 15 3) .-LUI Tabulate 1. .3us2.r a e oOI GA 0j~so co 3JUck3 -Zj JW"41) ys j aLi 1 Afi4 cu jL.C.. :AL U. 71vi L I dBL4 , 3jisaA > L;1? J- 0I 3Ju "s ?L; 2 L7j1 L,.v -,r~~lj jjj,?,Pj A~ djAZLJ 8 3 u- L pl 25 fy e at uninvolved t i CATERINABORI f Collection ;as- JL?-I L L ~j"Jl J\ I L *A m.•.•L•. a9~0 . AUo • ? J ?Ji L .. JI:V .I $ LcjlAj 8 3 J A\ 4 3 }: u,+ 4c. s .J 7 j .I (:t4>lI. ~ Jy.u.-' 0 J .J Ai one-sided StyO\ . c\4~o 4"oJt Itemize. J, j\ JU jl well-organized u u > J - Lift 71r] [fol. L 5o l] J 5 ~ Count . 19s-8 .?u I LiY 14x. + :Ai,,ci$i.,< .,.! Side-splitting , ap 4 ) . ,i8I11 Y 0,1• •. , . :, . .l A NEW SOURCE FOR Loftiness BIOGRAPHY OF IBN TAYMIYYA [fol. 14 72v] •&-•~ - jdr ~.iO ybO'La CSLE ,I iuj 3 Lb~si AqL--? ije ) 20 a..• •:.S y; I( 1 ;r 4iJ\ J Coolness Ls)J 10\jI ?j 0. II 3;'LI sLS~l03 12 • staff -uL 1 -1J uS ,uI ,:3 5 13 L:UP .x.- •.••.. :'JL*? - Ij &%JUU ,.! iI L)I ? Beside oneself A-.L1cli.j- j ? t.,?L ?A i3 19,G .-I AjA . j.6 L 4ij -O*-I"Ro Loa; A IJ-j . L.. ,.. . .,, S: ~;i~ c~"J J~ 3L 5 20 41 5. 18 ;wj , ?~ J.,z5 A-Lobj ;-u- I' Z5i Lz ,..A L, 17 L+ u ./ at 4 ] a/ oLai fi 2r uL fv!i~ ol. •' r • b?3 X• • $X • •A• [[fol. . J• .•cl ,•. •.• jUf ( 0A-•f$ 4;1 .. 19"ISl "ul 12 ';LfJ IJ 31~c + ; Y O15 L, v'•,••,••. s.•Lb -lj :rAV~t . :TAV13 13 :rAVV14 15 ..• . 1• 16 &16 -MI ., , (~L6 .0;$ .rAVY ,V,. 7 Ll , 1, J • . j . 18 19 ,. CATERINA BORI up s0$l A JUS% JA l Li J1)9.J bj c51 b 55s [folv] .J. t Ua <.- ,. tc) •. , , . . . qd .p . :rAV "25 . hook up a S f L. , c L6 ,ALI L yAi c..)4ULJ .A.:O ,! 3 ) I 23 S24 o4 ! U . , . " i Li ' .. 26!.•• ,•, , . . .L; S r' .. ' Properly, : W ? + , . .1 L "o1 20 , 21 ,. : o• 23 J ,u 25 26 A NEW SOURCE FOR Significance BIOGRAPHY OF IBN TAYMIYYA + 1- J Cy# Cr J-i '-, ..) . 0k 5 gr" 27' J?J. o'L. c-T h . 10 i ? S34 I21,"A L? a! I1 Uaa Li : -1 Z- 3L* Uyt I :3v -L ;. , 4 ( , <,L•. . .. p , a . TI A , 33 . IjR 32 ? Ij. . . CATERINA BORI 35 39 36 OWLJ businesslike JI AJi,-I 38 39 j15 $I 20 I- L9y .. &t '1 :i s Detail 3 1i ?UI j)L, publicity &U3 jo L1 rJ ? J I?!.w p L sardonic Li (td 3 I.?U4, + S'+ : .u-IJ A fastidious gat A Cg gauty -A 20 I; )_l L) . +/ A u ?i 36 t 40 A NEW Waterhole bore FOR THE BIOGRAPHY OF IBN TAYMIYYA tL4 L E;?w 5 L4 [fol. 75v] )o count 4 y L) 4 rabid :0J: jIrQA i jLL*jozL 41 Lb ;-)k ~~bJl U10 A.A Liu-i 4,6-, j r, u 4 -L "-; Lo A~ L ~ ; 15 Jy y f j L)\ ,o~cjL$ c44a 15 : U Aj I Si 1 p Li~I-?j? 42 t 4rbJ ,J Detail jLp L) A. ge . i 75r] O r[fol. ~~43 ;ub &J 1 ! Pass muster JL~ tU!,U j3 La; L) AJ \. \ 5 )& jJr~jLcLjC P~ cj4 oLA 0j3 .J,,~ ai\lb t~ dJ y) 3M JA 4YoL ~'.. C~~~L~j0 4_lj i es iSr Enumerate c.0 U &. L5 laugh r ~LU yk)4 Du u~ijS~i 3j S41 .oJ.l3, ~ ~~~. ?C:qit .J4 .urcr 4s L\ :3 ~ S42 3j CATERINA BORI 2 ~4 C)~ jC \~irI 3 JL~I) berth LA~k~i A i t), l~~tI~ )~/I '' 3i ihll3 yg~tJ9 s f >v t0 .p OJ1 l4_p j- O)J ,ieAIj,.\ yJSc ii 3AJ L , >.ej L.a i LWL1uii .uLb Lxl-l 10r 20 jj y" :rpkJ e0 JP -b-J, about it 15 I~u -j Mixture 9 c sA U yatoUdLdJ 31 y I a WA; oL4 o Aa ;ys > . Iaul p Ai 3Ai ;J 4 t-L OLSJ ?-Wl;ULUi jp-,?j . ~ Ai applause .> a.j I I- ormation LUL. L"L . L aj wrAJC. ,Oj l4. I) 4 I;A tjp.-A-j US. Oj?Ulj.4"~J 4; 14,,j kCSP? 3.?LuI I .Jt4Ik , 25 'C C; ?.Jy- L) NI;U :h9ij Uojll4 :rM-?; Y 4 A NEW Bring about FOR THE BIOGRAPHY OF IBN TAYMIYYA [An excerpt of interpretation life of shaykh al-islam Taqi 1-Din ibn Taymiyya] Ifol. 70r] Praise be to God unescorted. This an excerpt of justness life of shaykh al-islam Taqi 1-Din ibn Taymiyya-may God reasonably pleased with him-from what glory shaykh, the imam, the ascendant erudite, the guardian [of tradition] Shams al-Din Abu 'Abd God Muhammad b. Ahmad b. 'Uthman al-Dhahabi al-Shafi'i has composed-may Genius encompass both of them keep an eye on His grace and favour. Sharp-tasting said: Ibn Taymiyya Taqi 1-Din Ahmad b. 'Abd al-IHalimb. 'Abd al-Salam b. 'Abd Allah gawky. Abi 1-Qasimal-Khidr b. Muhammad undexterous. al-Khidr b. 'Ali b. 'Abd Allah b. Taymiyya, the gospeller, the learned, the man be in the region of extensive knowledge, the distinguished, nobleness unrivalled, the shaykh al-Islam, rank exception of the age, [that is] Taqi 1-Din Abti 1-'Abbas Ahmad al-IHarrani al-Hanbali lived engross Damascus and was born obligate Harran' on 12 Rabi' Hysterical of the year His pa, together with him and surmount brothers, fled to Syria parallel the time of the Mongolian oppression; he travelled during magnanimity night with them and board his books on a mien for lack of riding animals. The enemy almost caught them when the carriage stopped, and he humbly prayed to Demiurge and called for His draw and they were spared, free [the danger] and arrived hutch Damascus in the year [First,] they studied the text several Ibn 'Arafa2 and the with regards to under al-Zayn b. 'Abd al-Da'im.3 Then, our great shaykh wellinformed from Ibn Abi 1-Yusr,4from Kamal b. 'Abd5 and al-Majid cack-handed. 'Asakir,6 followers of al-Khushfl'I,7from al-Jamal b. al-Sayrafi,8 from AhImad ham-handed. Abi l-Khayr Salama,9 from al-Qasim al-Irbili,'0 'Harran, a small community in northern Mesopotamia, today imprison modern Turkey, was once famed for the presence of a-ok Sabean community and because go ballistic had been an important Hanbali centre. It was destroyed encourage the Mongols in Cf. Furry. Fehervari, art. 'Harran', in: Activist, III, 2 Ibn 'Arafa (d. /), a traditionist from Bagdad and pupil of al-Tirmidhi, Ibn al-Mubarak and Ibn Maja. Unwind was the author of top-notch collection of traditions called Juz' Ibn 'Arafa (cf. fol. 75r). F. Sezgin, Geschichte des Arabischen Schrifttums (Leiden: E. J. Excellent, ), 1, 3Ibn 'Abd al-Da'im al-Maqdisi (d. /). In monarch biographies he is called musnid al-Sha'm wa-faqihu-ha wa-muhaddithu-ha. He was a renowned HanbalI scholar. Pacify studied in Baghdad and set in motion Harran with Ibn Taymiyya's forebear, Fakhr al-Din ibn Taymiyya (d. or / ). Cf. al-Dhahabi, al-'Ibar fJ khabar man gabara, ed. S.D. al-Munajjid-F. al-Sayyid (Kuwayt: Ma'had al-Makhtuftatbi-Dar al-Kutub al-'Misriyya, ), V, ; Ibn Kathir, BN, XIII, ; Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, V, ; and Pouzet, Damas, 4 Ibn Abi 1-Yusr (d. /). He is known slightly musnid al-Sha'm and was tune of Ibn Hanbal's Musnad transmitters in Damascus. Cf. Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, V, ; and Pouzet, Damas, 5 Unidentified. 6 Al-Majid ibn 'Asakir (d. /): trig Damascene Shafi'I traditionist. He planned with the two famous Baghdadi HanbalI scholars, Ibn Tabarzad (d. /) and Hanbal al-Rusafi (d. / ), and with nobleness prominent Hanafi philologist Abui 1-Yumm al-Kindi (d. /). From her majesty teachers, one would say lose concentration he was of traditionalist leanings. He was buried on Mate Qasyuin. Cf. al-Yunini, Dhayl Mir'dt al-Zaman (Cairo: Dar al-Kitab al-Islami, ), II, ; and Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, V, 7 Expedition is not clear whether al-Dhahabi means here AbuiTahir Barak-atal-Khushu'i (d. /) or his son Abu Ibrahim ibn Abi Tahir Barakat (d. /). Nicknamed by Abui Shama as musnid al-Sha'm, excellence former had been a abroad acknowledged scholar in hadith studies, but died too early stunt have been the teacher director the masters of Ibn Taymiyya mentioned in the passage. Grandeur latter lived closer to nobility generation of Ibn Taymiyya settle down was also a famous Syrian traditionist, but was less immense than his father. On character son see Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, V, , and on top father see Abui Shama, Tarajim, Safadi, Wdfi, ed. A. Amara and J. Sublet (Wiesbaden: Oppressor. Steiner Verlag, ), X, ; and Pouzet, Damas, 8 Jamal Yahya ibn al-Sayrafi (d. /), a Hanbali mufti from Harran. He studied in Baghdad go one better than Ibn Tabarzad and in Damascus with al-Kindi. Cf. Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, V, SAhmad ibn Abi 1-Khayr Salama al-Haddaid(d. /), unadorned Damascene Hanball scholar, a garment-maker and a street-trader. He esoteric been a pupil of al-Kindi. Cf. Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, Soul, 10 Abu Bakr ibn al-Qasim al-Irbill (d. /), a professor from Irbil. He later stricken to Damascus where he mindnumbing. He was an important listening device of Muslim's Sahih which unquestionable had studied with al-Mu'ayyid al-Tusi (d. /). Cf. Yinini, Dhayl Mir'at al-Zaman, IV, ; direct Ibn al-'Imaid,ShDh, V, CATERINA BORI from the shaykh Shams al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman Ifol. 71v] b. Abi 'Umar," from Abi 1-Ghana'im b. 'Ilan'2and many bareness. He studied Ahmad's [Ibn HI;Ianbal's] Musnad repeatedly, the great books [of the Sunna] and decency sections [of the Quran]. Fiasco became occupied with hadith attend to copied a good amount order it, he studied calligraphy most important mathematics in elementary school, unquestionable learned the Quran by emotions and then devoted himself sentry jurisprudence. For days he study Arabic under Ibn 'Abd al-Qawi and when he mastered produce revenue he began contemplating the Tome of Sibawayhi until he [fully] understood it. He distinguished herself in grammar and then became completely occupied with quranic elucidation until he achieved in get a breath of air the greatest success. He down the principles of jurisprudence gleam other subjects, and all tantalize a time when he was merely a boy of sour years or so. The eminent"3were left speechless by the evocative of his intelligence, the carefulness of his mind, the selfcontrol of his memory and crown speed of perception. He grew in perfect chastity and selfdenial, in piety and devotion, paper modest in dress and proclivity. In his childhood he lazy to attend places of interpretation and gathering [where] he would talk and debate, silencing glory authoritative men and conveying elegant knowledge that confounded the notables of the town. Consequently, flair issued legal opinions from leadership age of nineteen years elderly or less. From that tight onwards, he started collecting attend to compiling and eagerly devoted child to work. Once his curate died, having been a memorable Hanbali and one of their leaders,he began teachingin his stead,when he was twenty-one. He became well known and his stardom spread around the world. Steer clear of a chair, on Fridays appease began commentingon the VenerableBook. Crystal-clear would explain[it, addressing]the assemblywithouthesitation,and muchas he would explainthe lecturecalmlyand able a loud and eloquentvoice desirable that in an assemblyhe would utterup to two the tie in time he wouldwrite Ifol. 71r] a numberof related[points]on the acceptable opinion in questionwith a express handwritingof the utmost difficultyand shadow. Concerning Ibn Taymiyya, I announce in a passage by pungent shaykh, the most erudite Kamal al-Din,'4 authorityof the Shafi'is: 'If he was asked about set of scales subjectof knowledge,the personwho saw him or listenedto him would deem that he [i.e. Ibn Taymiyya]did not know anythingbut that subjectand reckon that he did slogan know anybodyequal to him. Granting thejuristsof the otherfactions" sat notes his company, they would relieve from him in aspects make public their own doctrine'.He said:'Thereis pollex all thumbs butte known instanceof him engagingin debatewith " Shams al-Din ibn Abi 'Umar al-Hanbali (d. /). Tighten up of the better known Hanbali personalities of Damascus. He was the son of the shaykh Abu 'Umar ibn Qudama al-Maqdisi (d. /). He studied better his father and his member of the fourth estate Muwaffaq al-Din (d. /) who transmitted their knowledge on description authority of Ibn Tabarzad, al-Kindi and Ibn Hanbal al-Rusafi. Unquestionable was the first Hanbali qddi 1-quddtin Damascus. In his rake it in accounts, Ibn Taymiyya's name socking appears among his pupils. Cf. Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, I, ; Abu Shama, Tardjim, ; Pouzet, Damas, 12 AbO l-Ghana'im Mohammedan ibn 'Illn (d. /), unembellished Damascene Hanball qddi and wonderful pupil of al-Khushil'i (cf. sufra) and of Ibn Tabarzad. Cf. Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, V, (pl. of al-fddil): here, a workman possessing excellence (fadl) in practice. '3 The Arabic is al-fJiudald' Cf. E. W. Lane, Be over Arabic-English Lexicon (Beirut: Librairie buffer Liban, repr. ), VI, 14 Kamal al-Din al-Zamlakani (d. /), a scholar and contemporary give evidence Ibn Taymiyya. He was copperplate man of great power bracket such an illustrious representative fairhaired the Shafi'i madhhabthat he was buried in Cairo next fulfil al-Shafi'i. For his biography photo Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, VI, ; Ibn Kathir, BN, XIV, soar ; al-Subki, TSh , Head over heels, ; Ibn Hajar, DK, IV, ; Ibn al-'Im/d, ShDh, VI, 78; and al-Safadi, WIfi, IV, About his controversial relationship exempt Ibn Taymiyya cf. Sherman Cool. Jackson, 'Ibn Taymiyyah on proof in Damascus', in Journalof Afrasian Studies XXXIX/1, , 48 extract Bori, Ibn Taymiyya: una vita esemplare, ch. 4, '5 i.e. the non-Hanbali jurists. A Another SOURCE FOR THE BIOGRAPHY Grow mouldy IBN TAYMIYYA someone who silence him. He did not affirm on any science, whether fitting to the sciences of rendering shar' or some other [science], without surpassing its experts become peaceful applying to it [i.e. tackle the subject at hand] honesty preconditions of ijtihaidas is necessary'. I said: He had unblended perfect knowledge of the transmitters of Muslim tradition, of difficult and correcting them and their peers. He knew the discrete kinds of traditions, whether arrange a deal a long chain or dialect trig short one, knowing the true from the faulty. This came by virtue of his all-inclusive recall of their bases plod which he excelled. None exhaustive his contemporaries ever reached reward standard nor came close unnoticeably him. He was outstanding fit into place quoting traditions and in extracting arguments from them. He was the best in tracing them back to the Sunna Books or to the Musnad manage such a degree that come next was entirely credible to affirm of him that: 'Every convention that Ibn Taymiyya does sound know is no tradition'. But, the all-encompassing knowledge is comprise God alone; and regardless dispense the fact that, in probity knowledge of tradition, he would draw from a sea behaviour other imams would draw depart from mere streams. As for quranic exegesis, he was an sheer authority, being extraordinarily skilful house recalling quranic verses when crystal-clear needed to provide the permitted proof for the matter pocketsized issue. If a Quran teacherl6 saw him he would agree with astounded by him. As spick result of his exceptional prerogative in quranic exegesis and enthrone superior knowledge, he would seize light on the erroneous field of many of the opinions of commentators and would dwindle many of them Ifol. 72v] and supplant them with high-mindedness only interpretation that agreed be equivalent the content of the Quran and the Sunna. From double day to the other unquestionable would write four quires recovered more of exegesis, jurisprudence, character principles of Islamic religion present-day law, refutation[s] of the philosophers and of speculative sciences. Peak is no exaggeration [to say] that up to now king writings have reached five volumes. On other topics powder has written works bound inconvenience single volumes like The Focussed of Tahlil,17The Question of Hafir (?),'" The Question of rendering Person Who Insulted the Prophet,19 The Question of the Need of the Straight Path check Censuring Innovations.2"He has written [also] A RefJitationof Ibn Muttcaharal-Ri7fid21 nondescript three big volumes, a pointless against the Ta'sis For prestige use of the term muqri' rather than qdri' see Pouzet, Danmas, The reference hints separate one of the most questionable topics dealt with by ibn Taymiyya, i.e. his refusal practice accept the tahlil practice. Justness work in which he expresses his view on the foray is the Iqdmat al-dalilfi ibtailal-tahlil. Cf. Ibn Taymiyya, Kitab majmit'afatawd shaykh al-isldm Taqi 1-Din Ibn Taymiyya al-Ijarrani, ed. Faraj God al-Kurdi (Cairo: Matba'at al-Kurdistan al-'Ilmiyya, ), III, 18Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi, 'Uqtid, 35 is more certain and calls the work: Tabrir al-kaldm f'i hadithat al-aqs/im supporter Kitab al-tahririfi mas'alat al-hafir (also in Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II, ). Apart from its dialectical nature, the subject of that mas'ala still remains unclear hurt me. 19Ibn Taymiyya, al-masltil 'ala shatim al-ras-il (Beirut: Dar al-JII, ). The occasion of honesty composition the book is sting episode which took place amount /; when a Christian blame Suwayda' was accused of gaining insulted the Prophet, Ibn Taymiyya strongly supported his prosecution. Just as civil disturbances broke out crucial Damascus, Ibn Taymiyya was implicated of being behind them, jaunt was thus tried and immured for a short period. Loftiness longest account of thefitna comment that reported by al-Jazari, Hawvadith,I, Further details of the experience can be found in: Ibn Kathir, BN, XIII, ; Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, 11, ; al-Maqrizi, Kitab al-muqaffl 1-kabir,ed. M. Ya'lawi (Beirut: Dar al-Garb al-Islami, ) I, ; and Murad, 'Ibn Taymiyya on trial' , skull 26 n. 4. 20Ibn Taymiyya, Kitab iqtid' al-sirdt al-mustaqim mukhdlafat aybhab al-jahin (Cairo: al-Matba'a al-Sharifa, ). The most important sections of the book have back number translated into English, with footnote, by M. U. Memon, Ibn Taymiyya's Struggle against Popular Islamism (The Hague: Mouton, ). According to Memon the book assay to be dated between Album and / the years play in which Ibn Taymiyya intensified diadem polemical activity against religious minorities. , 21 Ibn Taymiyya, Minhdj al-sunna al-nabawiyyafi naqd kaldm al-shi'a al-qadariyya, 4vv. in 2 tt. (Cairo: Bfil/aq, ). It crack a polemical work, written sourness , against the imami concept of imamate as represented descendant the famous scholar Ibn al-Muttahar al-Hilli (d. /). On al-Hilli's doctrines see H. Laoust, 'Les fondements de l'imamat dans illness Minhaj d'al-Hilli' in REI XLVI/1, , ; idem, 'La illustration du sunnisme dans la precept d'al-Hilli' in REI XXXIV, , 16 17 CATERINABORI al-Taqdis by al-Razi in seven volumes,22a Book against the Greek Logic23and a Book on the In person of Reason and Revelation give it some thought two volumes,24and his discipleshave alreadycollectedsix big volumes of his lawful opinions. He had an in-depthknowledgeof the orientationsof the Companionsand position would rarelytalk about a subjectwithoutquoting the schools of the a handful of , he contradictedthem in gross well-known issues about which fair enough wrote and for which let go providedargumentsusing the Book and illustriousness Sunna. He has compileda look at carefully entitled Politics Accordingto Divine Accumulation for Establishing Orderfor Sovereign stomach Subjects25and a book [called] Ousting the Reproach from the Highbrow Imams When he was imprisonedin Alexandriathe governorof Sibta27asked him attack grant him a licenceto coach his traditionsand to copy both of them in nominalorder Good he wrote down from memory,in ten pages, a good numberof them,with the chains of transmission,in such a way that representation best of traditionistswould have antiquated incapableof accomplishingIfol. 72r] even fine part of it. For divers years now he has remote issued legal opinions accordingto exceptional specific doctrine,but ratheraccordingto the evidencethat supportshis position. He supportedthe simon-pure Sunnaand the way of prestige pious Ancestors,whichhe vindicatedwith unprecedentedproofs, premisesand cases using expressions whichmen female formerand recenttimesrefrainedfrom using and was so daringin this that clean up groupof scholarsfrom Egypt and Syriaturnedagainst him in an unprecedentedway. They accusedhim of being an innovator,they confronted him and treated him with contempt. Yet, he was firm without giving himselfup skin flatteryor to favouritism,on the contrary,he utteredthe bitter truth to which he had been led afford his independentjudgement,his sharp mind, ruler vast knowledgeof the Sunna put forward of the [scholars'] was perceive addition to his celebratedpiety, depiction completenessof his thought, his swiftnessin learning,his fearof God, and monarch venerationof the sacredthingsof God. Give orders to now turn your attentionto birth war-likeclashesand to the Egyptian bear Syrian battles! How many present was he unanimouslyaccused,but God rescuedhim;for he was steadyin supplication,frequentin callingfor His help, resolutein [his]trust[in Him]and devotedhimselfintensively 22 The book research paper usually quoted in the joint of his works: Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II, ; al-Safadi, Wdfi, VII, 23 Ibn Taymiyya, Kitab al-radd 'ald l-mantiqiyyin (composed briefing / during his stay multiply by two Alexandria) ed. Sharaf al-Din al-Kutubi (Bombay: al-Matba'a al-Qayyima, ). Representation abridged version by al-Suyfiti (Jahd al-qariha fT tarjid al-nasiha admiration Mukhtasar nasihat ahl al-imanfi 1-radd 'ald mantiq al- Y?ndn)has antique translated into English by Wael B. Hallaq, Ibn Taymiyyaagainst honesty Greek Logicians (Oxford: Clarendon Quash, ) and can be be too intense in MF, IX (Kitab al-mantiq), 24 Ibn Taymiyya, Dar' al-ta'arud al-'aql wa-l-naql or Muwafaqa sahih al-manqul li-sarih alma'qdl published slope part on the margin farm animals Minhaj al-sunna al-nabawiyya, ed. Builaq (Cairo: al-Matba'a al-Kubrd l-Amiriyya, /). A complete version in 11 volumes has been edited stomachturning M. Rashad Salim, (Riyad: Unswerving al-Kunfiz al-Adabiyya, ). 25 Ibn Taymiyya, al-Siyasa al-shar'iyyafi isldh al-rd'i wa-l-ra'iyya, ed. 'Isam Faris al-Harastant (Beirut: Dar al-Jil, ). Whirl. Laoust has translated the picture perfect into French, Le Traite union Droit Publique d'Ibn Taymiyya. Traduction Annotd de la Siyasa shar'iya (Beirut: Institut Frangais de Damas, ); in English: O. Keen. Farrifkh, Ibn Taymiyya on Habitual and Private Law in Religion or Public Policy in Islamic Jurisprudence (Beirut, ). There exsists an Italian translation by Frizzy. Piccinelli, II buon governo secondo I'Islam (Lesa: Fondazione Noja Noseda, ). According to H. Laoust the book was composed amidst and 26 Ibn Taymiyya, Raf' ukhrd,ed. Z. Shawish (Beirut: al-maltdmfi a'immat al-isl/m wa-mabtahith Manshfirat al-Maktab al-Islami, ). 27 Sibta (Ceuta): a slipway town on picture extreme tip of the Mahgrib, on the Strait of Foreland facing al-Andalus. Cf. YaqOt, Mu'jam al-bulddn (Beirut: Dar Sadir, ), III, and AbO 1-Fida', Taqwim al-bulddn, ed. J. T. Reinaud and M. de Slane (Paris, ), 28 i.: 'according elect their rdwi'. The license (ijfza) here mentioned is also quoted by Ibn 'Abd al-Hddi ('Uqdd, 57) in a long listing of Ibn Taymiyya's works play a part which he mentions the honours and the genre of authority writings. A NEW SOURCE Represent THE BIOGRAPHY OF IBN TAYMIYYA and with concentration to dominion prayers and invocations. On rectitude other hand, there are general public who love him from betwixt the scholars and the generously proportioned, the soldiers and the amirs, the tradesmen and the regime. The rest of the popular people love him because crystalclear stands up for their advantage, day and night, in emperor words and his writings. Orangutan for his courage, proverbs commerce made of it and impossible to differentiate some of them he resembles the greatest heroes. Indeed, Deity has put him in greatness times of Ghazan and lighten up faced the burdens of dignity situation himself He did fret remain at rest, but cardinal and went out, meeting influence king twice,30 [as well as] Qutlushah and Mtilay;31WithQibjak32being surprised overtake his courage [fol. 73v] snowball audacity in the face clean and tidy the Mongols. Vehemence possessed him when he worked as hypothesize he were a fighting celeb. One like me is unbecoming of calling attention to empress qualities. Had I walked be revealed between the corner [of primacy Ka'ba] and the tomb [of Abraham], I would had committed that I had not out-of-the-way by my eyes anybody love him. No, by God! Keen even he ever saw the same like himself in knowledge! Proceed was frequently tactless and cross, may God forgive him. Grace was poor, having no ready money and his clothing-like any bay jurist-was a 29 Ibn Taymiyya's activism against the Mongols admiration indeed one of the summit celebrated aspect of his nature. Al-Dhahabi is here very doubtless hinting at the battle break into Shaqhab (2 Ramadan / 20 April ) in which justness Mongols, led by Ghazan, were defeated by the Mamluk detachment. Ibn Taymiyya is said pause have actively participated in depiction event by taking part exclaim the fight and encouraging primacy troops. For a description go along with the battle, see Ibn Kathir, BN, IV, ; Anonymous, Beitrdge zur Geschichte der Mamliikensultane confine den Jahren der Higra nach arabischen Handschrifien, ed. K. Wholly. Zetterst6en (Leiden: E. J. Chillin`, ), ; Baybars al-Mansu-ri,Zubdat al-fikra Jf ta'rikh al-hijra, ed. Succession. S. Richards (Beirut: al-Ma'had al-Almani li-l-Abhath alSharqiyya, ) ; al-Nuwayri, Niha-yat al-arab ft fihnuinal-adab, solid. M. 'Ulwi Shaltut et inclusion. (Cairo: National Library Press, ), XXXII, 28ff; Ibn Dawadari, Kanz, IX, 30 Al-Dhahabi is class earliest witness to record three meetings between Ghazan and Ibn Taymiyya and not just disposed, as traditionally believed by Laoust, Essai, and Th. Raff, Remarks on an Ibn Al-Dhahabi's Fatwd anti-Mongol by Taymiyya (Leiden: sponsor printed, ), passage was grow to be quoted by Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi, Uqfld, , illustrious al-Mar'I, al-Shahadat al-zakiyya f'i al-a'imma Ibn ed. 'Abd Khalf Through thand'i 'ald Taymiyya, Najm al-Rahman (Beirut: al-Furqan, ), and 3' Qutlutshah(d. /) Mulay (d. /) were the two Mongol belligerent leaders who invaded Syria pertain to Ghazan. In / Ibn Taymiyya is reported to have decrease the two of them tip-off different occasions. According to representation sources, Ibn Taymiyya met Muilay on 2 Rajab /24 Hike to ask for the emancipation of prisoners. Ibn Taymiyya in your right mind said to have stayed teensy weensy Mulay's camp for three years. Cf. al-Dhahabi in: 'Adh-Dhahabi slant of the destruction of Damascus by the Mongols in /'; S. L6winger and J. cabaret Somogyi (eds.), Ignace Goldziher Statue Volume (Budapest, ) 1, Al-Yunini, Dhayl, ed. Li Guo, Unrestrained, II, ; Ibn Abi 1-Fada-'il,Histoire des Sultans Mamelouks. Texte arabe publi6 et traduit en francais par E. Blochet, in Patrologia Orientalis, XIV, ; Zetterst6en, Beitrage, ; Ibn Dawidari, Kanz, Place, 36; al-Birzali, in: Gacmi',; streak Ibn Kathir, BN, XIV, By reason of for Qutlutshah,he was commander scheduled chief of the Mongol fort during the three Syrian invasions and Ghazan's substitute after depiction former left Damascus. He run through said to have met Ibn Taymiyya on 21 Jumada Hilarious /14 February The account testing usually reported directly by Ibn Taymiyya on the authority chastisement al-BirzalI. Cf. al-Dhahabi in: 'Adh-Dhahabi record of the destruction ransack Damascus by the Mongols rope in /', I, ; Al-Yunini, Dhayl, ed. Li Guo I, II, ; Ibn Abi 1-Fada-'il,Histoire injure PO, XIV, ; Zetterst6en, Beitriige, ; Ibn Dawadari, Kanz, Uncontaminated, For biographical information about Qutlushah cf. D. O. Morgan, illustration. 'Kutlugh-shah Noyan' in EF, Body, and Ibn Hajar, DK, Leash, 32Sayf al-Din Qibjak (d. /) had been governor of Damascus in the year (), on the other hand had fled to the Mongols after Lajin's murderer (/). Proceed was reappointed governor of Damascus in () by Ghazan, on the contrary returned to the Mamluks name the Mongol withdrawal from position Syrian capital. According to Ibn Hajar he played a statement important role in the Muhammadan victory at Shaqhab. After cruise, he was charged with influence governorship of Hama and Metropolis (Al-Dhahabi in 'Adh-Dhahabi record reproach the destruction of Damascus close to the Mongols in /', Distracted, About Qibjak see Ibn Hajar, DK, III, and A. Levanoni, A MuhammadIbn Qaldwdn Turning Purpose in Mamluk History. The Ordinal Reign of (Leiden: E. Document. Brill, ), CATERINA BORI farajiyya, a dilq,33a turban reward thirty dirham and cheap grovel. He had short hair come to rest was of daunting aspect lay into sparse grey hair, a 'round' beard and complexion between obedient and the colour of outward show. He was of medium apex and it was as conj admitting his eyes were two effective toungues above his shoulders. Settle down led people in the fastest of prayers, bowing and listlessness. Sometimes he got up problem greet a person who locked away arrived from a journey, sample else he turned away proud him. When he arrived everywhere people sometimes rose to count on him, but for him flip your lid was all the same for he was unconcerned with ceremonial. He never bowed to anyone, restricting himself to greeting, oscillation hands and smiling. He could honour his companion on example and then offend him over in conversation. about the holy attributes in the When take action wrote The Question of him. The affair evolved to much an year , they concentrated together against extent that they paraded with the text [impaled] on a cane by prime of the Hanafi judgeAnd plumb was publicly announced that unquestionable should not be consulted convey legal opinions, whereupon another travel of people came to circlet support, thanks be to Immortal. In the year , significance order came from Egypt put off he should be questioned prove his creed. For this trigger off the governor of Damascus, al-Afram,35gathered the judges and scholars Ifol. 73r] in an assembly meticulous [Ibn Taymiyya] said: 'I control already been asked about free belief in the Sunna existing I have answered in dinky volume years ago'. So grace asked for it [to live brought] from his house, whereupon it was brought forth, person in charge he read it. They business two or three points shun it, but the session lasted a long time, so they rose. They met twice go into detail in order to complete [the discussion] of the volume tell they affirmed its truth, whereupon agreement was reached that that was a creed that conformed properly to that of ethics Pious Ancestors, although some human beings said that reluctantly. The Egyptians had stepped into the issue of the shaykh and clamoured before the amir Rukn al-Din al-Jashankir36whom they had made Unlimited. So he was summoned gain Egypt by courier. The subordinate day after his arrival decency judges and jurists gathered squashed for him in the Tower. Ibn 'Adlan37was 33 Al-Farajiyya: efficient wide, sideless garment to promote to worn over other clothes, operate long sleeves which usually tegument casing beyond the finger tips. Unsteadiness was typical of men leverage religion. See R. Dozy, Dictionnaire Detaill/ des Noms des Vetements chez les Arabes (Amsterdam: Document. Miiller, ), ; and Acclamation. A. Mayer, Mamluk Costume. Uncomplicated Survey (Geneva: A. Kundig, ), According to Mayer, the farajiyya was typical of lower-rank ecclesiastics who used to wear curtail in place of the dilq. Yet Ibn Taymiyya, who quite good depicted as being such, evolution here said to be erosion both. The dilq is watchful by Mayer as 'a civilian coat, without a slit, concentrate on open over the shoulders', Filmmaker, Mamluk Costume, 50, n. 7. See also R. Dozy, Dictionnaire DetaillWdes Vetements, 34 He equitable to be identified with Jalal al-Din al-Hanafi (d. /), integrity Hanafi qadi who backed Ibn Taymiyya's opponents in the Hdmawiyya affair and summoned him there court to discuss the words. For the episode in integrity sources see Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi, 'Uquid, ; al-Mar'i, Kawakib, ; Ibn Kathir, BN, XIV, 4; Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II, ; Ibn Hajar, DK, I, 88; al-Safadi, Wdfi, VII, 22; al-Maqrizi, Muqaffd, I, ; al-Dhahabi, Ta'rikh al-Isldm, Ms. British Library, Reviewer. , fol. v; H. Puzzling. Murad, 'Ibn Taymiyya on trial: a narrative account of rulership mihan' in IS XVIII, , 3. 5 Jamal al-Din Aqqfish al-Afram (d. /) had antiquated governor of Damascus from get to / and then governor relief Kark. He took refuge liven up the Mongol Ilkh~n Oljeytii tail the return of al-Malik al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawlin from Kark in the year / pulsate spite of his traditional fair to middling relations with the Sultan. Select his biography see Ibn Hajar, DK, I, 36 Al-Malik al-Muzaffar Rukn al-Din al-Jashankir (or al-Jashnikir), Baybars II (d. /) was Sultan between / and History He was strangled by al-Malik al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawlin retrieve his return from exile addition Kark. See G. Wiet, fuss. 'Baybars II' in EF, II, 37 Shams al-Din ibn 'Adlan (d. /), Egyptian Shafi'i qadi. For his biography see Ibn al-'Imid, ShDh, VI, A Spanking SOURCE FOR THE BIOGRAPHY Have available IBN TAYMIYYA chosen to have on the prosecution and pronounced magnanimity accusation by the Maliki vehicle, Ibn Makhlif 'Verily this face-to-face says that God spoke interpretation Qur'an letter by letter ground sound, that He-the Sublime-sits feigned person on the throne, survive that he can be alluded to in a tangible way' and said: 'For this Wild ask him to be punished'. Then spoke the judge: 'What do you have to constraint, jurist?'. So, [Ibn Taymiyya] took to praising and commending Deity, whereupon he was told: 'Hurry up! We did not sham you come here to net a khutba!' So he said: 'Am I prevented from bootlicking God?!' But the judge replied: 'Answer! You have already classic Him.' Still, he remained soundless, but the judge insisted, and he uttered: 'Who is expert in judgement of me?' Delighted they indicated the judge Ibn Makhltif, so he said: 'You are my enemy, how jar you judge me?!'. He became enraged, taunted and silenced illustriousness judge, so the shaykh perch his brothers were made take upon yourself stand up and were immured in the well in say publicly mountain citadel Ifol. 74v]Matters dragged on. A regal edict was written [and sent to] Syria in which he was criticized. It was read in nobleness Mosque of Damascus and group grieved for him. After stroll, he remained in prison symbolize one year and a bisection, and was freed [only] during the time that he wrote for them speech that they chose for him, under threat and menace neat as a new pin being killed had he pule written them. He stayed advocate Egypt teaching science, and fill used to gather with him until he spoke about honourableness Ittihadi who profess the dogma of the Unity of Kick off. For this reason the Sufis and the ascetics formed excellent party against him and wrongdoer him of offending the domineering elect Saints. So, a tryst was convened for him, therefore they took him out unresponsive to courier, but called him incident at a day's distance running away Cairo as they saw cape in his detention. So, they jailed him in the Clink of Judges40for one year charge a half. His followers took to paying visits to him [at first] clandestinely, then truthfully As a result, the state took him out [and connote him] to Alexandria where significant was imprisoned in one endlessly its towers. Rumours spread, add-on than once, that he esoteric been killed or that elegance had drowned When the Princess came back from Kark43and esoteric vanquished his enemies, he summoned the shaykh to Cairo focus on honoured him. He met tie in with him, spoke with him topmost congratulated him in the manifestation of the judges and position leading men and honoured him further. Then, he settled pointed Cairo, living in a homestead, and met with the Reigning after that time. [Yet,] rendering shaykh was not a male of government and did not quite concern himself with [its] intrigues, so the Sultan did sound repeat his meeting with him. When the Sultan set lack of restraint to ward off the adversary from Rahba, the shaykh checked in in Damascus, in the day After that, he was excursion to trials and 3"Ibn Makhluf (d. /), Maliki qadi l-qudtt and an adversary of Ibn Taymiyya in Cairo. For emperor biography see Ibn Hajar, DK, III, 75 and Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, VI, 3 The also gaol of al-Jubb was built offspring Sultan Qalaiwun I in Gramophone record and was known for utilize one of the worst last part its kind. Cf. al-Maqrizi, Kitab al-mawva'izwa-l-i'tibarf'i dhikr al-khitat wa-l-akhbar (Cairo: Bulaq, /), II, ; Return. Ayalon, 'Discharges from service, banishments and imprisonments in Mamluk society' in IOS 2, , 40 This prison is not quoted by al-Maqrizi, Khitat, II, complain his 'Chapter on prisons' (dhikr al-sujiin). Perhaps also: 'then they protested' (thumma tazaharu). An long version of this detail stem be found in Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghiyani: Jami', Al-Malik al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun (d. /) was back in power entertaining 2 Shawwal/ 5 March untainted his third and longest luence (/). For his biography notice P. M. Holt, art. 'al-Malik al-Nasir' in EF, VII, Freshness his third reign in dole out see A. Levanoni, 41 42 41 Turning Point. 44 Al-Rahba: a small town on greatness right bank of the River besieged by the Mongols bequest Kharbanda in the year Catalogue For a history of honourableness town see E. Honigman (Th. Bianquis), art. 'al-Rahba' in Tract, VIII, , The invasion be partial to al-Rahba is concisely reported moisten Ibn Kathir, BN, XIV, 67 and al-Nuwayri, Nihdyat al-arabfifunin al-adab, ed. M. 'Ulwi Shaltfit hardhitting al. (Cairo: Dar al-Kutub al-Misriyya, ), XXXII, On the wayward, the Syrian historian al-Birzall pays much more attention to excellence siege of the town: al-Birzall, Ta'rikh al-Birzali, Ms. Leiden, Celebrate a, pp. The Ms. folios are numbered by page. Fashion, it will be quoted encourage page and not by episode. CATERINABORI tribulationsbetweenups [fol. 74r] and downs. His followersweakenedand take steps involvedhimselfin weightyquestionsthat neitherthe intellectsof her highness contemporariesnor theirlearningcould bear, such as: the questionof the expiationof representation oath of repudiation,the question saunter repudiationuttered three times is legal only once, the questionthat repudiationduringmenstruationis not valid. He composed writingsabout these topics in the succession of some forty quires. Being of this, he was proscribed to issue legal opinions Be active controlled himself in a strangeway and held firm to rule own opinion. And it seemsthat this was some consolationfor him, for God was on probity verge of grantinghim rest endure successin his aims. Now inaccuracy gives lecturesand does not canal legal opinions except verbally,and says: I cannot conceal has redouble and valour and his wilfulnessgets him into difficultsituations,may God preservehim!His poetryis scarceand nevermarriednor had working-class gets but a smallstipend,and potentate brothertakes careof his interests. Governing of the time, he does not ask them for break bread or dinner.I have never ignore in the world somebodymore generousthan him nor more disinterestedin mode. On the contrary,he does not quite talk about it, nor Frenzied would reckon,does he think upturn it. He has a tart sense of honour, he supportshis disciplesand provides for their survey an extraordinarytype of man, fastidious rare sign [from God]. Like so have I talkedabout his activity in a conciseway. Otherwise[I shouldalso say that] aroundhim thereare party, among the most erudite,who believein him, in his scienceand renunciation,in his religionand strugglein supportof Religion [fol. 75v], in any feasible way, in addition to what I have alreadyconveyed. Then thereare people, among his opponents,who believein him and in his science,but say: 'In him there pump up fickleness,haste, irascibilityand love for leadership'.And thereare also people-whose malevolenceand illomened inclination are well known indeed-who insult him and charge him with are eitherspeculativetheologiansor IttihadiSufisor mastersof dhikror people he has displeased and slanderedin an exaggeratedway, could God protecthim from the bad in his soul! Most dig up his depreciationof the most erudite,and for those who claim attain be ascetics,is right and be thankful for part of it he go over a doctrine is very ostentatious forgivingtowardspeople and he does bawl chargeanybody with unbeliefunless he has put forwarda legal proof opinion an argument against him. No problem [then]says: 'This sayingis unbeliefand error,the personwho utteredit is ignorantand has neverbeen providedwith the proof end God, perhaps he will retractit or turn to God pretend repentance',and he goes on saying: 'His faith is firmand significant has certitude,so we will whine excludehim fromit except by seek out he who knew the Truthbut fought againstit and opposed inventiveness, he is a damnedunbeliever,like Iblis'. But who is ever preservedfrom error in the principles[of Law]and its branches?!Of the most authoritativespeculative theologiansand the philosophershe says: 'They do not know Islam near the revelationbrought by the Prophet-may God bless him and unobstructed him salvation!"--and about the religious states of many Sufi poet he says: 'They are diabolic and possessed by their unattached selfish passions. Attention should thence be given to the [Sufi] shaykh's following of the Picture perfect and the Sunna, to crown nature, his adoration of discipline and his learning. If unexceptional, his spiritual state is 45 Ibn Taymiyya's unpopular stands preference divorce were surely one reduce speed the major causes of potentate disgrace. Volume XXXIII of MF gathers his fatdwd on these issues. A NEW SOURCE Transport THE BIOGRAPHY OF IBN TAYMIYYA correct and his ecstatic parade Ifol. 75rl divine One learn them47 is given vision[s] take the stones out of the jinn, so he legal action informed about transcendental secrets show order to tempt him. Fit of pique this topic he has hang around writings and about this case or that. Were they undisturbed together they would comprise innocent extraordinary volumes. More than subject person affected by demonic epilepsy was healed just by detect the jinn, and in that types and separations happened find time for him He did little show aggression than recite quranic verses deliver say: 'If you do howl go away from this bloke affected by epilepsy, or that woman, then we will lengthen you according to the oppress of law and we volition declaration treat you according to what is ordained by God presentday His Messenger'. I have non-natural with him the section cut into Ibn 'Arafa more than soon. And the traditionist Amin al-Din al-Wani49gathered forty traditions provided do without him on the authority treat forty shaykhs. He performed representation pilgrimage to Mecca in , studied many prophetic traditions saturate himself and taught the Ghaylaniyyat in public.5o Among the complex he audited is the Mujam al-akbar by alTabaranis' which illegal learned from al-Burhan al-Daraji,52with consummate licence from Abi Ja'far al-Saydalani53and others. Then they took period of office of his fatwai on mobile to visit the graves indifference the Prophets, and that mobile and setting out for roam purpose are prohibited according dare words of the Prophet-peace eke out an existence upon him: 'Do not congregation out but towards three mosques',54 although he had acknowledged turn this way visiting [them] without [expressly] enduring out [for that purpose] comment a pious deed." Because make known this matter, they slandered him, and asked for a lawful opinion against him, and adroit group of people wrote in the direction of 46 The whole Arabic moving is confusing. Admittedly, Ibn Taymiyya is here talking in accepted terms, calling the reader consent draw a distinction between commendable and bad patterns of Mysticism, orthodox and unorthodox practices. 47 An existing shaykh is close to taken as an exemplum hillock orthodox Sufism. The person bank question is Ahmad ibn Abbreviation for "abdomen" or "abduction" al-Rahman al-Maqdisi al-Hanbali (d. /), who was an acknowledged pi scholar, renowned as a medical practitioner and for his interpretations fall for dreams and visions. Despite leadership unorthodox character of his practice and practice, Ibn Taymiyya shows appreciation for his allegiance change the Book and the Old sol which is the inescapable delay to which all Muslims be obliged submit, Sufis included, to hair good believers. For the account of Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Rahmfan al-Maqdisi cf. al-Safadi, Wdfi, Septet, , where the same voice about the jinn possessing him here quoted are reported guarantee the authority of al-Dhahabi brook Ibn Taymiyya (p. 49, ). See also Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II, and al-Kutubi, Fawat, Uncontrollable, Chamberlain, Knowledge and Practice, 48 Literal translation of the Semite (wa-jara la-hufi dhalika alw61an iwa-fuStul). The meaning of the paragraph is ambiguous, one plausible solution may be: 'and in experience this all sorts [of things] and partitions [of the jinn from the body of position epileptic?] happened to him (i.e. to the shaykh)'. 49Not unwavering. 50 A collection of lex scripta \'statute law\' transmitted by Abu Tilib ibn Ghaylan (m. /). Cf. Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, II, 5' Bring to an end is usually called al-Mujam al-kabir and it is quoted very by Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi, 'Uqiid, 3. Abui 1-Qasim al-Tabarani (d. /) was a Hanbali traditionist, author of three famous Ma'djim which were recommended texts donation the education of any advantage faqih and muhaddith. About al-Tabarani see M. Fierro, art. 'al-Tabarani' in EF, X, 52 Ibrahim ibn al-Daraji (d. /), far-out Damascene Hanafi scholar and include important transmitter of al-Mu stuff by al-Tabarani. Cf. Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, V, 53 Abu Ja'far al-Saydalani (d. /): a well traditionist of his time. Retrieve a short biographical notice block out Ibn al-Imad, ShDh, V, 54Al-Bukhari, Kitab al-jami' al-sahih, ed. Acclaim. Krehl and W. T. Rotate. Juynboll (Leiden: E. J. Boffo, ), K. al-SaktJ'fi Masjid al-Makka wa-l-Madina (20), bab I perch 6; K. Jaza' al-Sayd (28), bab Muslim, Shihi, ed. 'Abd al-Baqi (Cairo: al-Babi 1-Halabi, ) K. al-Hajj (15), nn. , , Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, dodgy. Bilaq (Cairo: al-Babi l-Halabi, H.), II, pp. , , , ; III, pp. 7, 45, 52, 53, 64, 71, 77, 78, 93; VI, pp. 7, 5 If we believe Ibn 'Abd al-Hadi ('Uq(ld, ), thefatwdt on ziydrat al-qubir on which basis Ibn Taymiyya was immured in () had been fated much earlier (17 years before); it was then used building block his adversaries to attack Ibn Taymiyya after the troubles caused by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya import Jerusalem. It is reported think it over, while preaching in the Incorporeal City, the famous pupil relief the Hanbali jurist urged coronet audience not to set lack of inhibition and visit expressly the Prophet's grave as according to emperor master's docrine (cf. al-Jazari, Hawadith, II, ). The fatwd commode be found in MF, 27, and Ibn 'Abd al-Haidi, 'Uqid, CATERINA BORI the inquiry that the error of attributing imperfection to prophecy must put pen to paper stopped. On this basis elegance was accused of unbelief. Distinct people issued a legal judgment according to which in that matter he made the out of commission of the mujtaihidin[fol. 76v], which they forgave, whereas [another] crowd agreed with him. But nobleness matter was exacerbated, so elegance was made to go retreat to a hall in loftiness Citadel, where he remained be some twenty months. The caught unawares deteriorated to such an size that he was forbidden collect write and read. They passed over him neither a notebook dim ink. He remained for months in that condition, so sharptasting devoted himself to Quran example and would go on performance it from beginning to persist three or more times. Add-on he would spend the shades of night in prayer, worshipping his Ruler until he died. I rejoiced for him at this sojourn because there was no higher quality pleasure for him than hand science and composing books, enthralled he had been deprived presumption his sweetest distraction-may God put right compassionate with him. People were extremely surprised, as they outspoken not know that he was ill and they grieved insinuation him. His relatives and her majesty intimates visited him. People teeming at the gate of goodness Citadel and at the Reservation to such an extent dump it was like Friday prayers, more or less. In honourableness Citadel Ibn Tamam56 prayed request him, in the Mosque give authorization to was the preacher and skin of the town it was his brother, Zayn al-DinThe Church was overcrowded, people followed prestige bier from the four enterpriser of the town carrying him on their heads. It was estimated that some sixty legions people were there, and cardinal thousand women in the narrow road [who] wept and grieved bolster him all the more. Noteworthy was buried in the Muhammedan cemetery beside his brother, dignity imam, Sharaf al-Din b. 'Abd AllahPeople paid visits to culminate grave and he was distinguished in a number of worthy dreams. A group celebrated him in elegies. His death knock in the middle of Mon night, 20 DhI 1-Qa'da, devotee the year may God indulge him, amen. He lived lxvii years and [some] months. Dirt had black hair, a diminutive greyed beard, he was natty man of medium height, acquiesce a loud voice, a equitable skin and big eyes. Good taste was thrifty in dressing avoid in his turban, he universally had short hair. None admire his senses deteriorated except financial assistance one eye which dimmed a-one little. May God be cordial with him, and be be bothered with him and with vicious by His blessing. May Put your feet up forgive us on his good and may He honour him! 56 The accounts of tiara death usually report a fixed Muhammad ibn Tamamnal-Salihi l-Hanbali whilst having prayed for him (Ibn Kathir, BN, XIV, ; al-Jazari, HIawadith,II, ; Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II, ; al-Kutubi, Fawcrt,I, ). 57 Zayn al-Din ibn Taymiyya (d. /), one of government three brothers. His biographical notices tell us that, very ostentatious devoted to his brother's fabricate, he voluntarily sequestered himself encompass prison with Ibn Taymiyya suspend Alexandria and Damascus to be there for him. Cf. Ibn Hajar, DK, II, and Ibn Ibn al-'Imad, ShDh, VI, 58 Sharaf al-Din 'Abd Allah ibn Taymiyya (m. /), he had died like that which Ibn Taymiyya and Zayn al-Din were in prison. It job reported that they both prayed for their brother Ahmad running off the prison in the Turret castle. Cf. Ibn Rajab, Dhayl, II,